Grant awarded to the Quarndon Swift Group for nest box installation
Birds on the Brink has just awarded a grant to the Quarndon Swift Group QSG for the installation of Swift nestboxes. Our grant has been match-funded by Quarndon Parish Council.
Quarndon is a village in Derbyshire and QSG is a community organisation whose aim is to promote the conservation and breeding success of Swifts in the neighbourhood.
Common Swift: Paul Sterry/Nature Photographers Ltd
The group is supported by Quarndon Parish Council, Quarndon Community Group and local residents. To date, QSG has helped residents to install around 40 artificial swift nests across 20 sites – most of which also have electronic swift callers.
Left and centre: Isobel Shorrock and John Farnsworth of the Quarndon Swift Group; right: Matthew Pitt, Chairman of Quarndon Parish Council, which matched the grant from Birds on teh Brink.
QSG works with other swift conservation bodies including Derbyshire Swift Conservation (DSC), and neighbouring groups in Duffield and Belper. QSG is registered with DSC and nest sites are registered on the RSPB’s Swift Mapper App.