Whitlingham Tern Raft Update
Birds on the Brink is always pleased to get updates on projects that the charity has helped to fund. So we were thrilled to hear from Kate Villalgordo, Fundraising and Development Officer for the Whitlingham Charitable Trust.
The floating tern raft being towed into place at Whitlingham Country Park. Photo © Preston Thomas
Supporters of Birds on the Brink may recall that we helped fund the installation of floating nesting rafts for Common Terns at Whitlingham Country Park in Norfolk.
Kate told us about the installation, which has taken place recently: ‘It was a bit of a mission, to say the least, what with the strong wind and the challenge of getting the heavy anchors spaced out. It could easily have made for some good 'You've Been Framed' footage at times!
Installation of the tern raft and deployment of the anchors. Photo © Kate Villalgordo
She continued: ‘We may make some fine-tuning adjustments to the raft’s precise location in the coming days to ensure it is in absolutely the best position by the time the terns return. But the main deployment of the raft has been executed.’
A layer of marine mollusc shells, wooden shelters and even a decoy tern make the nesting raft prime real estate for prospective Common Terns. Photo © Kate Villalgordo.
Kate finished by saying ‘Thanks again for the generous help from Birds on the Brink and its supporters in making this vital project happen.’