Sound as a tool in the study of small mammals.

Small mammals play central roles in many terrestrial habitats. Depending on the species, they can be indicators of healthy, well-managed habitats, or fill a vital link in the food chain when eaten by predators as wide-ranging as birds and other mammals. However, because by-and-large they lead unobtrusive lives, and being inclined to shyness, small mammals are hard to study and are rarely seen. Their abundance or scarcity can be hard to quantify, and in some instances even their very presence is a challenge to discern.

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Paul Sterry
Slaughtered Vultures

Optimists might have hoped that with the human race preoccupied with the Covid pandemic beleaguered vulture populations, along with other wildlife of course, would be having a bit of respite. Sadly, it seems that is not the case and BirdLife International has revealed troubling and depressing recent cases of vulture-killings in The Gambia.

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Paul Sterry
Seabird Survival and the success of Hookpod

Over the past few years, the international competition Bird Photographer of the Year has supported and promoted the work of Hookpod, the fish-hooking device that virtually eliminates ‘bycatch’ seabird deaths. In tandem with the competition, Birds on the Brink is proud to champion the team at Hookpod and their amazing innovation.

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Paul Sterry
Tubenoses in Trouble

Petrels and their relatives (collectively known as tubenoses) are consummate seabirds and the northeast Atlantic boasts an array of species. Although a few are holding their own, sadly the actions of humans have brought some to the brink of extinction. Ironically, however, it is also people - a handful of valiant individuals – that are their potential saviours.

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Paul Sterry
Starter Homes for House Martins.

Over the last 25 years the UK’s House Martin population has declined by 39% and the species is amber-listed as a bird of conservation concern. Aided by a band of citizen scientists, the British Trust for Ornithology has provided insights into how we can all help improve the fortunes of this beleaguered bird.

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Paul Sterry
Vultures in Nepal, a 2020 update

Nepal’s diverse range of vulture species range from the lowlands to the high Himalayas. Find out how this beleaguered group of birds are faring, in the wake of catastrophic population declines in the late 20th century.

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Tulsi Subedi