Common Swift - the bird that does almost everything on the wing.

Over the years, Birds on the Brink has been able to help with a number of projects aimed at improving the breeding success of Common Swifts in the UK. Supported nest-box and nest-enhancement schemes have ranged from Winchester Cathedral in Hampshire to Quardon in Derbyshire and Bisley in Gloucestershire.

Common Swifts are amazing birds, said to do almost everything except incubate their eggs while in flight. Behaviour includes feeding, bathing and sleeping - and mating too. In case you are in any doubt about the latter, acclaimed Danish photographer and Birds on the Brink supporter Klaus Bjerre has the evidence.

Klaus tells us that the event was over in the blink of an eye but fortunately his photographic skills and modern camera technology allowed him to capture of this intimate brief encounter.

Stage 1: the approach. Photo ©Klaus Bjerre/Nature Photographers Ltd

Stage 2: alignment. Photo ©Klaus Bjerre/Nature Photographers Ltd

Stage 3: the act of mating. Photo ©Klaus Bjerre/Nature Photographers Ltd

Stage 4: the separation. Photo ©Klaus Bjerre/Nature Photographers Ltd

Paul Sterry